Tuesday, August 29, 2023




Colombian artisan - researcher- designer based in Bogotá / Stockholm 
Master in Design.  Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Master in Fashion Studies. Stockholm University
Craft expertise: Accessories design / Upcycled Bags
Brand: CastelBlanco, established in Colombia since 2008

I am a Colombian artisan specialized in handbags making. Under my brand Castelblanco established in Bogotá- Colombia, I have created several collections by recuperating and applying traditional artisanal techniques in leather work. Because of my background as a political scientist, my work has always been inspired by social and ecological awareness. A special focus on sustainable production processes has been paramount in my work. As a Latina designer and researcher I am convinced of the positive impact that the fashion industry, Craft and Design have in terms of diversity and social awareness. Through practice and research, I investigate the relations between sustainability, identity, traditional crafts and the role of collective, ecological and cultural resistance in craft and design processes. 

Nowadays, after a long learning process,  my work is based on the following principles:

I take care of the environment by:

-Avoiding mass-production, prioritizing  artisanal techniques over  industrial production and by not supporting colombian leather industry as cattle raising it is one of the main factors behind the deforestation of the amazon jungle.

-I support the slow fashion movement – by launching short series of bags and non seasonal collections.

-I aim to reduce the environmental footprint in my production processes by using local materials and second hand material such as leather jackets and other textile garments.



2021-2023 Master in Fashion Studies, 120 credits, Stockholm University.


2019–2020 Research Lab Craft Post-MA Diploma, 60 credits, Konstfack University of Arts, Craft and Design. Stockholm, Sweden.


2018- 2020 Master in Design,  120 credits, National University of Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.


2011 - 2012 Traditional Craft techniques for leather making. Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA). Bogotá, Colombia.


2010– 2011 Accessory design and production processes. Espacio Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina.


2002-2007 Bachelor in Political Science, 270 credits, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia.




Exhibitions. Renegotiating Material Culture group exhibition. Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm in collaboration with Konstfack, University of arts, crafts and design. April 29 - August 22, 2020.


Stockholm Craftweek. Craftsight Exhibition and talk. Upcycled leather bags. Bio Tellus, October- November 2020.



International Seminar: Towards Decolonizing Futures - Languages, Culture, Art, and Nature Under and Against Settler Colonialism. 09/2023. Meio University. Okinawa - Japan. 

Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Diseño Horizon+ (es) 2023. Rehilando Cultura Material: Un estudio decolonial de la cultura material Iku-Arhuaca en los archivos del Museo Nacional de Culturas del Mundo en Gotemburgo-Suecia. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Biennial International Conference for the Craft Sciences 2021. Manifestations of social resistance in Craft processes: Iku, Nasa and Sámi indigenous Craft. Gothenburg University.



Chapter. Manifestations of nonviolent resistance in the Iku mochila Women Crafted bag. Decolonizing Futures, Uppsala Multiethnic Papers 57. The Hugo Valentin Center, Uppsala University Kph,2022. ISBN 978-91-527-1997-8. 

Article. Craft as resistance: A case study of three Indigenous craft traditions. September 2022. Craft Research Journal 13(2):387-409

DOI: 10.1386/crre_00085_1


Article. Manifestations of social resistance in Craft processes: Iku, Nasa and Sámi indigenous craft. May 2021FormAkademisk - forskningstidsskrift for design og designdidaktikk 14(2)

DOI: 10.7577/formakademisk.4179


Research report. Renegotiating Material Culture. Meaning Containers. Konstepidemin publishing house. August 2020 ISBN: 978-91-88691-13-2





2019-2020 “The Meaning Containers”. Projects using natural materials (Raffia palm fibers) and recycled materials. Konstfack and the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm

2018-2019 “Upcycled Containers”, handbags made with recycled materials


2017-2018 “The Pindo Palm Collection”, Pindo palm Craft


2016-2017 “Old and new”, handbags made with recycled materials


2015-2016 “Amulet Bags”, handbags


2013-2014 “The black collection”, handbags


2011–2012 “Hybrids”, handbags


2010-2011 “Artisanal, Ornamental”, handbags


2009-2010 “My favorite toy”, handbags


2008-2009 “The bags tale”, handbags


2007-2008 “The Castelblanco Project”, handbags




Work and research portfolio - Website






cell. +46 0729415649


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The "Meaning Containers" son carteras que hice para el Museo Etnográfico en Estocolmo hechas con palma de Raffia e inspiradas en un sombrero de iniciación proveniente del Congo- Brazzaville y en la diáspora africana. La exposición “ Renegociando cultura material” en
Etnografiska museet
busca explorar el museo etnográfico a través de los objetos artesanales africanos y discutir sobre la decolonización de estos museos y sus colecciones así como el rol de éstos en la sociedad contemporánea. La exhibición va hasta el 22 de agosto.

The "Meaning Containers" are bags that I made for the museum of Ethnography in Stockholm made with raffia palm and inspired in a Congolese hat and amulet bags. “Renegotiating Material Culture” exhibition aimed to explore the museum and discuss current debates concerning decolonizing museums and the role of ethnographic collections in contemporary society.

Full article:

Friday, May 4, 2018


This collection is the result of an exchange of knowledge and techniques between Castelblanco and the local Pindo artisans in a little town called Palermo in Huila- Colombia. Pindo is a natural fiber extracted from a endemic plant called the Pindo palmtree. The collection is inspired by the people and traditions from the Huila region in southern Colombia.

Esta colección es el resultado de un intercambio de saberes y técnicas entre Castelblanco y los artesanos de Pindo del municipio de Palermo en Huila- Colombia. Pindo es una fibra natural extraída de una planta endémica llamada palma de Pindo o Caña Brava. Esta colección está inspirada en personajes, tradiciones e idiosincrasia huilense.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Old & New

Upcycled Objects. Hechos con cuero reciclado de viejas chaquetas de cuero.
Old & New. Short series of bags made from upcycled leather jackets. (2016-2019)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Handmade Series

Exclusive Collection, CASTELBLANCO®

Friday, April 27, 2012